"Once a Phi Kap, Always a Phi Kap"
With respect and honor as fundamental values of being a Phi Kap, it is not coincidental that a motto of this fraternity is "Once a Phi Kap, Always a Phi Kap". This shows the dedication and high esteem we hold for our alumni. Without their past accomplishments we would not be making the steps we are today or the strides we will tomorrow.
Alumni Chapter Officers
President: Cody Hendrix AK’15 chendrix19@hotmail.com
Vice President: Lee Bomar AK’16 leb429@comcast.net
Treasurer: Michael Brewer AK’17 mwbrewer@crimson.ua.edu
Secretary: Grant Bail AK’17 grantbail12@gmail.com
Alumni Chapter
The Alumni of the Alpha Kappa Chapter have recently formed an officially recognized Alumni Chapter. The Alpha Kappa Alumni Chapter is organized for social, educational, and charitable purposes and to help increase alumni involvement. We host our own social and philanthropic events, put on educational programming for the undergraduate chapter, and give out yearly awards and scholarships. Our joining dues are a one time payment of $25 and our yearly dues are currently $50 per member. Please reach out to our officers for further information and join our Facebook group (Alpha Kappa Alumni Chapter).
Stay In Contact with Us
We, the Alpha Kappa chapter, love hearing from our alumni and communicating with you. Over the years contacts change and need to be altered. Please send us your current accurate information so we can stay up to date and not lose track of any alumni!
The Phi Kapstone Newsletter is sent out semesterly from Alpha Kappa. The newsletter keeps alumni up to date on the goings-on of the chapter and any news we have to share. Adding your information to our database will make certain that you will not miss out on receiving the Phi Kapstone Newsletter. Alumni Chair, Brother Tristen Wallace, has worked hard on it and would love for as many alumni to see it as possible. The latest newsletter can also be accessed online here.
Reaching Out
Brother Tristan would also like to make sure that any Alumni who may want to speak to him can reach him easily. Emails can be sent to twallace6@crimson.ua.edu
“I rushed Phi Kap originally with the goal of making new connections, having more academic resources, and improving my college experience overall, but I stayed once I saw how tightly knit the group of guys were. It was the kind of place where I could rely on anyone in the fraternity if I needed something and I felt that the brothers could rely on me at the same time. I thought it was exemplary of what a fraternity should be and that is why I joined ”